Food Waste Monitoring System: Metrics, KPIs and Efficiency (FWP-SP)


This is a short, specialized course designed to help you understand the work processes of commercial F&B operations. You will learn how to set up a food waste monitoring system in any commercial kitchens, as well as learn the key metrics and calculations used to measure food waste, costs, and efficiency.

  • Section 1: Food Waste Monitoring System
  • 1.1 Why Monitoring Food Waste?
  • Minigame: Monitoring Food Waste
  • 1.2 How to Monitor Food Waste to Understand WHY
  • Minigame: 4 Categories of Food Waste
  • 1.3 How to Monitor Food Waste to Understand WHAT?
  • Minigame: Answering the WHAT
  • 1.4 Food Waste Monitoring System in Practice
  • Minigame: Putting the System in Practice
  • 1.5 FIT Digital Recording System
  • 1.6 Key Features of FIT Web Cloud-based Software
  • 1.7 Transversal Approach to Tackling Food Waste
  • Minigame: Tackling Food Waste
  • 1.8 Collecting Data, then What?
  • 1.9 Practical Recommendations to Tackle Plate Waste
  • 1.10 Practical Recommendations to Tackle Preparation Waste
  • 1.11 Practical Recommendations to Tackle Buffet Waste
  • 1.12 Practical Recommendations to Tackle Spoilage Waste
  • 1.13 Case Study: Food Loss at the Farm Level
  • Minigame: Case Study on Food Loss
  • 1.14 Key Learnings
  • Conclusion of Section 1
  • End of Section 1 - Quiz
  • Section 2: Metrics, KPIs, and Efficiency
  • 2.1 Food Cost Percentage and Some of its Limitations
  • Minigame: Food Cost Percentage
  • 2.2 Savings Calculated from Food Cost Percentage
  • 2.3 Savings Calculated from Cost per Cover
  • Minigame: Savings Calculated from Cost per Cover
  • 2.4 Savings Calculated from Food Waste Reduction
  • 2.5 Challenges and Limitations in the 3 Cost Saving Calculations
  • Minigame: Cost of Savings
  • 2.6 What is 1kg of Food Worth?
  • Minigame: What is 1kg of Food Worth?
  • 2.7 Complementary Indicators to Assess Food Efficiency
  • Minigame: Indicators of Food Efficiency
  • 2.8 The Rationale for a Transversal Approach
  • Minigame: Transversal Approach
  • 2.9 The Role of General Manager
  • 2.10 The Role of Human Resources
  • Minigame The role of GM and HR
  • 2.11 The Role of Finance
  • 2.12 The Role of Executive Chef
  • Minigame: The role of Finance and Chef
  • 2.13 Team Work in Action
  • 2.14 Parallel between Modules and Practical Implementations
  • 2.15 Key Learnings
  • Conclusion of Section 2
  • End of Section 2 - Quiz
  • Feedback Survey
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed